Korea University the Department of French Language and Literature

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Global Education Programs

■ Introduction of Global Education Programs


▪ 7+1 Program
The 7+1 program allows students of the Division of International Languages and Literature to study at a partner university for one semester and have their credits acknowledged at Korea University. In order to apply for the program, students must complete the following courses as prerequisites: Beginning Russian I-II (for Majors), 초급러시아어연습 I-II, Intermediate Russian I, and Intermediate Russian Conversation I.(과목명 관련으로 수정 필요)
(Courses completed in the semester which is under way at the time of application are also accredited)

▪ ESP (Exchange Student Program)
Through this program, students of Korea University are exchanged with undergraduates or graduate students at partner universities outside of Korea. Students satisfying the requirements of partner universities are recommended as exchange students, and admission decisions are made by partner universities. Korea University students who are studying at other schools pay tuition only to Korea University, and can earn credits from their partner universities. Upon returning to Korea University, they can submit credit transfer requests to have their credits acknowledged.

▪ VSP (Visiting Student Program)
The Visiting Student Program (VSP) annually sends a large number of students from Korea University to partner universities around the world. This program is the first of its kind in Korea, and partner universities include the University of British Columbia, Royal Holloway University of London, Griffith University, University of California, Davis, University of Pennsylvania, Moscow State University, and Saint-Petersburg State University. VSP participants may pay tuition only to Korea University and participate in the exchange student program; or alternatively they may pay tuition to both universities and have their credits acknowledged upon their return to Korea University. To encourage more students to become involved in the program, under the Global KU Scholarship scheme VSP participants are provided partial funding, which is deposited in students’ bank accounts within six weeks of the start of the semester. Undergraduate students who have completed at least two semesters of study and satisfy the requirements of partner universities are eligible to apply. Depending on the terms of agreement with a specific school, up to 100 students can be sent to each partner university.